
i saw star wars and i enjoyed it. i thought the part when he is all darth vader in his black suit is a bit goofy but still overall the movie was good.

michelle's graduation dinner was delicious.

apparently there was a discussion about how gabe(judy's boyfriend) has discovered that compliments are the way to my heart. he is a smart boy. i's like him even if he wasnt complimenting me all the time.

maisie seems to have hurt herself some time on sunday and now she cant climb stairs without coomplaining and he cant get up on the bed or couch. im worried but not too worried.

today i recieved yet another half paycheck! WTF!


got a letter from the irs today and i was dreading opening it cause i thought it was going to say i owed them money (which i did for last year's taxes) but instead it said that i did my taxes wrong and they paid the last years amount past due and i get still more money back so i checked and they put the money in my account which is excellent since i was completely broke and now im not and evergreen is on the way!!

yay for me!

Originally uploaded by sherrying.
sherry had kitties(well actually it was martin the cat) and now theyre living with jonica and they are mighty cute!

so i called ari last night cause she sent me an email yesterday cause she hadnt heard from me in a while and she missed me or something. whatever nothing big. cant talk about big things till she gets home, then we can have a big ole' screaming match about it. oh its been so long. memories

friday again. woo.

rusty is in the hospital today getting kindeys blasted. last i hear shes in recovery and fine.

tomorrow i want to go see the basquiat and go to the garden. on mushrooms it would be a million times better. why am i lacking the cash for all the drugs i need. why dont dealers take credit cards?

this next 10 days will be hectic.


i dont understand. how does not talking to someone work if you dont tell them that youre not talking to them. it seems like a conundrum or something. bah! i guess i'll just have to break down and talk to her.


last night i listened to all of "wet from birth" by the faint twice. amber listened four times. and so far today each of us has listened to it once. she says we were meant to be gay eurotrash. i think were just cooler than you!

she loves that i love pulp. she doesnt know men who like pulp. i think weve gone through this already but i dont feel threatened by jarvis' sexuality. then we talked about our cover band. and then we talked about how i used to sing pulp songs to ari in the car on the way home from high school and how annoying it is how perfect she is for me. all through highschool ari had a picture of jarvis on her wall above her desk.

there seem to be a good handful of women who are perfect for me in one way or another.

your task is to be the complete package!

so i have three stars that amber drew and since i have nothing to do at work i drew another three in addition to the one i drew last night. sadly the one i drew last night is the most perfectly drawn. apparently i can only draw straight lines whilst stoned. maybe i will get them all done. it would be funny if i got like 7 different tatoos of stars all over my body over the course of one summer. i could always play a game with new people i met where i make them find all the stars on my body.


Originally uploaded by amanda zug-moore.
i miss the little guy! he has two teeth now. she said she would put some pictures up soon. he went to disneyland yesterday.

last night there was some majorly therapeutic brain cell death with the fellas from high school. i ate so much. ive been eating way too much lately. rambo has designed several stars for me to engrave on my body and this weekend i found something exactly like what i was thinking of in a tatoo magazine. aurora says i should get something that looks more like a gromet on a pair of jeans than something that looks just like ink on my skin. its hard to explain. it took me a while to understand what she was saying.

lunch to-day at jacques-imo's to-geaux at grand central. shrimp and oyster po-boy with a purple haze makes me feel comfortable and at home. they were out of alligator cheesecake. it was disastrous.

dinner with amber to discuss self mutilation and other interesting topics tonight. and probably bed early since i didnt get to sleep till 2 last night.

lee had some lady friend with him last night who he did not explain. im very curious about it.

rusty goes in for kidney surgery on friday. i hope she doesnt die.


work bores me. but mostly it's frustrating that as more work comes into our office i still do the same crap ive been doing; running around, filing, fedexing; while the other two temps do seemingly less mindless and more important tasks. and everyone is asking me are you ok you look not so good and i'm like oh its just monday, but you know what its not just monday its that if you needed someone to put a piece of paper in an envelope and mail it you could have hired a homeless person off the street and not someone with high level education. mark i know you read this and i know its not your fault or anything and im not mad at you. i just need to vent about this shit. how do i feel? CHATEADO!!!! if there was and english word for this i would use it.

i have decided that i will add to my plate of latin american studies and international development majors a side of studio art minor. with the addition of just two semesters of art history, two semesters of drawing and one of 3-dimensional art (which i was planning on anyway) i will be closer to being ready for grad school, if that ever happens. i am only needing six credits each semester for my major requirements so its not really a big deal.


last night i went over to gloria vanderbilt's spare apartment where aurora is staying and inspected things over there. she has a lot of artwork that is very interesting. it reminded me a lot of religious mexican folk art. while there i looked through some family picture albums photographed by none other than AVADON. he even signed each photo on the bottom with a little avadon. so small it seemed so insignificant. i tried to absorb as much energy as i could from the photos.


today after i was finished eating my lunch with jonica in daj hammerskjold plaza i got up to throw out the empty bag and my foot had apparently fallen asleep and so i had no control over the lower portion of my right leg and so i stumbled and fell right into the garbage can. yes INTO the garbage can, head first. i had to use my arms to lift myself out of the can and then stumble back to the bench with my gimpy leg. jonica was in tears from laughing at me. either no one else noticed or they were too polite to laugh. they probably thought i was retarded or something.

this weekend was not too eventful. housewarming party for jen rock. order new card and pin number from astoria federal. drive to northampton. dinner at the green street cafe. smith commencement. drive home.

i didnt sleep with aurora.

today i did something new and exciting at work and i made my first terms of appointment for a young man from slovakia. i hope i never have to label folders ever again. oh and i made it to work on time too or sort of, 9:05.

tonight is the season finale of the gilmore girls. the suspense is killing me.

Originally uploaded by jambonchampignon.


Originally uploaded by Cat Whisperer.

Originally uploaded by Cat Whisperer.
mr. chill-leb like his uncle was born with perfect taste. not only does he enjoy looking through the barney's catalogue, he also enjoys eating it.

Hmm, how does it taste?
Originally uploaded by Cat Whisperer.


also im going to get my tatoo next week and the design needs to be finalized. its going to be a star on the inside of my left forearm. either it will be blue or black and filled in or black but only half of each point filled in or you are all welcome to submit your own ideas. let me know! rambo make me a star!

got into a fight or rather a non-fight with ari last night and of course it has ruined my mood completely. i called her in such a good mood and we were talking and then she got another call and put me on hold for over five minutes. i wasnt expecting her to answer my call since it was 3 in the morning in paris and then at 330 she got this other call. i had no choice but to assume that it was adam or cain or whoever else she is fucking. she knew i knew. i always know. she came back on the phone after forever and after a long silence was like you dont sound too happy, i replied with a grunt and another long silence. mentioned something about maisie and then announced that i had to go. she partially flipped but let me say goodnight. she let out a sigh and something to the effect of i cant believe youre doing this as i said my final goodbye.

i hung up the phone and listened to the end of the television lp that was already in progress.

i felt horrible. i dont know whether it was more cause i was furious with her or cause i felt horrible being such an asshole. so i called her back and apologized for being an ass. she said i had every right to be angry.

so this is progress i think. at least she can accept the fact that i have the right to get pissed off at her for treating me like shit.

we need to have a big relationship talk. i need to have a normal relationship with her or nothing at all. i dont know if i could stick to that though.

why can't i have a relationship that isnt manic-depressive?


judy and i had a smoke till you drop white castle night on monday. twas a blast.
rambo and i had a gilmore girls and zaytoons night on tuesday. we have one scheduled for next week too to watch the season finale.
jonica and i watched showdog moms and dads last night.
tonight im flying solo. just me and maisie.
ooh the oc is on tonight and er. wooo!
i ate so much eel for lunch the thought of eating the leftovers sickened me so i threw them out. probably a bad idea but they were in a big container and i didnt want to carry it home.
my pants will be ready tomorrow and then my beautiful new valentino will be complete
what will i wear for casual friday?! i better think up something good.
im listening to john hartford. there is not enough bluegrass in my life. maybe he is just the bestest.
last night i listened to the camera shutter song. amazing as always.


Double Sib
Originally uploaded by Scramberlee.
my hair was very cute then. if only my face wasnt so swollen! amanda's face looks a bit swollen too. she was probably 2 or 3 weeks pregnant with chill-leb at the time. now she is thinner than she was then and she just had a baby 6 months ago. maisie is no help to me in the morning. most dogs get all excited when its time to get up oh take me out take me out but not maisie. she just stays in bed and sleeps. i get up and take a shower and i come back and she hasnt moved an inch.


i forgot to talk about my dream from saturday night!  oh my was it weird.

so amanda was pregnant AGAIN and she carried her baby about half way and then decided that it was my turn to carry it so we went to find a doctor that would take the baby out of her and put it inside of me and the first one refused but the second one agreed to do it. this second doctor was peter sellars interestingly enough. so he did it and i went on with the pregnancy as usual. when the time came and i went into labor i got all flipped out and i was worried about the possibility of getting a cesarian cause i didnt want them to cut me open and i didnt want a scar and then amanda was all like well how else are they gonna get the baby out of you and so i flipped out some more and then i insisted that there be a plastic surgeon at the birth to ensure that there was minimal scarring.

the end


this weekend was a lot of fun and relaxing and beautiful.

on friday i drove down to upenn and went out with carolina. who i havent seen in about a year, and we had good times. and we went and ate cheese steaks(whiz-with) at ginos and they were delicious. it was funny how not-awkward it was to hang out with carolina considereing i havent seen her in a year and how i have never visited her at school. very nice.

on saturday i drove down to swarthmore and it was a gorgeous day and steve and i just hung out with his friends on the grass in the sun and it was really nice. at night we camped out with his friends in the wooded area of campus and it was really really cold cause all we had were blankets. sunday was more lazing on the grass and then i drove home. i got a wee little sunburn on my face. just a little pink. its gone now actually

maisie misses amanda and gabe and possibly caleb but probably not. last night she spent all night by the front door waiting for them to come home and she even slept there instead of with me. she has no respect for me. what if the boogey man came to attack me in the middle of the night. what would i have done without maisie there to protect me?

tonight i get to hang out with judy fun fun!

its so exciting that people are going to start coming home from school now.




at least i made a yummy sandwich for lunch. i can't wait to eat it!


so my job

i work at the institute for international education (iie) where jonica works and where amanda worked for a period of time a couple of years ago i suppose.  i am an intern in the global operations division of the fulbright office.  my duties include many exciting variations on photocopying, data entry and filing as well as dealing with all of the incoming fulbright grant applications for foreign students.  i have to wear ugly pants. not cause the pants themselves are partuicularly ugly but i just cant stand the look of khakis no matter how they are. i feel as though the masculine work "uniform" is just unfair and terrible.  i still look fabulous i know, aint nothing gonna stop that. unless i get mamed in some horrible unforseen accident.  anyway.  one of my co-workers graduated from tulane last may and is really excited to get to commiserate with me about new orleans and such.

tonight after work we are all going out to get as my supervisor called it "blasted" to celebrate the great holiday cinco de mayo

i am known by some as "the heartthrob of the eighth floor"


Originally uploaded by jambonchampignon.

Originally uploaded by jambonchampignon.

Originally uploaded by jambonchampignon.


Originally uploaded by jambonchampignon.

Originally uploaded by jambonchampignon.

Originally uploaded by jambonchampignon.

Originally uploaded by Cat Whisperer.

Originally uploaded by Cat Whisperer.

Originally uploaded by Cat Whisperer.

Fox & Big Sis
Originally uploaded by Cat Whisperer.