im all alone with a nine year old child and its weird. its weird especially because in a short time i will always be around a small child and he will be related to me and ill be his uncle and its just a very strange thought. after the child goes off to sleep i get really stoned and listen to the camera shutter song. it was just as good as i remembered. im gonna listen to it again in a minute.
ari is back from indonesia but in san francisco with adam, and she hasnt even called or texted me to say that she is alive. sometimes i hate myself for loving her. a lot of the time.
im spending quality time with maisie. amanda always says that maisie doesnt like smoke but maisie and i have been smoking up together for a long time. she is so cute and she wanders around aimlessly with a really confused look on her face and she gets all super-cute.
ari comes home on monday morning and so does izabelle. george comes on wednesday. and tomorrow im going to see lee for the only time this summer at his little show in williamsburg. i still have not completed the two papers i need to write for last semester.
also tomorrow i have to go to newark and put this kid on the plane and stuff
skool skool skool
girls girls girls
death death death