i have given ari so so so many outs from our relationship and she has refused all of them. for once.
is it bad if she asks me if im happy and i lie and say yes? i feel like i could be happy but not the way things are.
when youre in a relationship how much contact with an ex is acceptable? i feel like no contact would be the best but is not necessary. are long drawn out phone conversations in the middle of the night ok? im thinking no. i dont know. i feel like im not sure if i have the right to freak out or not. i want to. i am on the inside.
today several people at work made me want to slit their throats.
i think i need to get back on my meds asap cause im feeling a lot less balanced right now.
is it normal as an early twentysomething to be constantly worried that youre starting to manfest your schizophrenia? worrying that the voices might start getting louder or that you might go through with your impulsive thoughts and hurt yourself or someone else. i dunno.
so today i finally made the step of permanently marking my skin with a big 'ole tatoo. not really... its not that big. i like it amd really glad the way it came out. but i still havent removed the bandage so i havent had time to look at it and obsess over whether or not its actually good. its better that i dont cause its there and so im going to try to just ignore it for a while and see what people say about it and just be happy that i did it and i was ok and it didnt really hurt too much and i didnt cry nor wince really.
i think its going to be sexy
ill post pics as soon as i take off the paper towel taped to my arm
sometimes aurora gets really drunk on bourbon street and throws her self at axl rose look-a-like lead singers of g'n'r cover bands. this time she was just dancing with me