i had a dream that somerstein called me and i hung up on him cause i wouldnt deal with it. i had a dream that amanda asked me if i had been drinking corona and said that i should be cause its good.
saturday we went to the young designers fair and i got two this leather cuffs and a really cute hat for winter. i ialso got my monthly clean t-shirt delivery from k adorable
ari cut my hair last weekend while i was in providence. so nice to feel alive and warm with your lover.
katrina katrina katrina
last saturday i escaped to naples florida with skinny mini, burt renolds and genevieve. gen's parents took us in and are taking care of us.
the reaity of the situation is very slow to set in to my mind. i dont really want to think about the fact that i have no clothes no passport no nothing. as of now my only possesions are my car, 4 days worth of clothes, my computer and my cats.
i'm coming home soon and i will probably be attending school in nyc. i dont know where i'll be living.
i accidentally erased my phonebook from my phone last week so send my your numbers
my email is temporarily not working since tulane's servers are on-site. you may email me at jambonchampignon@yahoo.com
i dont know what else to say