
last night i remembered that its not just me getting stoned when we smoke pot, its everyone else too. my tolerance has been close to nil since i returned to this lovely country and i will like take even just one hit and feel it hard core. well not hard core but like if i smoke like a(pronounced a as in bat) bowl i get silly. i think the real issue is not that im getting more stoned its that im not used to functioning while stoned or that im super self conscious of my stonededness and probably a combination of the two. izabelle was like colin you amaze me no matter what drug you take or what you drink youre always the same. i dont think so. im certainly much more friendly whilst fucked up. and i get twichy when i smoke pot. so yeah there was someone more stoned than me last night obviously if not more than just one and it made me be like oh yeah everyone smokes everyone gets stoned this is whats supposed to happen.


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