
so this is the plan:

im going to purchase (with my father and another investor) the land at paddy mountain or a big part of it. then i am going to send judy to dairy science school while ari and i are in france and maybe portugal doing a fromagier apprenticeship or two. then we all go out there and live on the land making cheese and art and music and swimming in the ponds and hopefully other friends and family will join. oh and we will raise goat herding cocker spaniels too.

i spoke to the family with goat experience and they just said it was a lot of work and that i should look at the website for the american dairy goat association which i still havent done.

im so tired lately i wake up in the morning and its like i will die if i have to get out of bed ontime. argh.

oh and yesterday i bought zuccini blossoms and they have little mini zuccini attached to them and theyre so cute. i want to put them into a yummy quesadilla with oaxacan cheese and huitlacoche but i dont know if im going to get my self together to make such a yummy foodstuff. i think i will just give them to amanda to play with and hopefully she will come up with something delicious to cook and later feed me.

this stupid check that i deposited on friday still hasnt cleared and its so annoying. i need that money.

and i want to eat something and i dont know what it is. like i have a craving for something very specific but not even i know what it is.

i need to look for tickets to go to europe to see my dad and judy


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